Sunday, January 13, 2008

An Excerpt from the Preachings of an Angry Man

"Embrace your headaches! Your sores and your bad days! Learn to love the perpetual emotions of anger, frustration and discontent! Reject the illusions that comfort you! Become intense in your loathing of all the wrong in this world! And claw your way out of the stale womb!

Never accept low-key! Never hold a position of subservience! Never be meek! Never be shy! Choose to explode and avoid fizzling out! Inactivity is your greatest enemy! It will cause you to atrophy and rust and crumble! Pathetically.

Suffer hard for the sake of expansive consciousness! Destroy your ignorance with great prejudice! Engage your mind in the most impassioned violence - against complacency, against fear, and against all that is responsible for the devolution of the human!

And always keep in mind that the first thing a baby does when it enters the world is cry."

EDIT: Angry men shout.


Paige said...

Hm, sounds like something of your sort.

Tom said...

It was something of my sort, kid.

Tom said...

Meaning, I wrote it. Mmhm.

Paige said...

You fooled me. -_-

Paige said...

It was great though. Now take your ego boost and go.

Unknown said...

You are my hero, Tom. I would join your crusade against the causes of human devolution, but then I would just be targeting myself.

Jonathan said...

What? Where's the whole body, if this be an excerpt?

Silly Tom, you can't do this to me. Write the rest.

Smashing stuff, though. I look forward to more. I really do.

Paige said...

Tom I feel inactivity in here...

you as well have a reader here.